
Current Program Funding Grants

SSHRC Partnership Grant
Government of Canada
Amount: $2,500,000.00
Timeframe: 2020 - 2027
Title: Northern Oral Language and Writing Through Play (NOW PLAY 2) Research Project SSHRC Partnership
Role: Co-Applicant

Minister of Education – Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $2,995,000.00
Timeframe: 2019 – 2024
Title: Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP) Expansion Grant
Role: Principal Investigator/Director

Minister of Education – Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $338,094.92
Time Frame: 2019 – 2023
Title: Aboriginal Teacher Education Urban Elementary Cohort Grant
Role: Principal Investigator/Director

Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $359,700
Timeframe: 2017 – 2022
Title: Aboriginal Teacher Education Urban Secondary Cohort Grant
Role: Principal Investigator/Director

Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $45,710
Timeframe: 2017 – 2021
Title: ATEP – 4-Year Community Based Elementary Pilot Program Grant
Role: Principal Investigator/Director

Current Research Grants

Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $150,000
Timeframe: 2018 – 2021
Title: Documentation, Mobilization, and Cultivation of Capacity for Innovation in Pre-service FNMI Teacher Education: An Aboriginal Teacher Education Program’s Response to the New Teaching Quality Standard
Role: Principal Investigator

Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $98,786
Timeframe: 2018 – 2021
Title: ATEP Pre-Service Mentorship Project
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Sharla Peltier)

Alberta Education
Government of Alberta
Amount: $150,000
Timeframe: 2018 – 2021
Title: Compulsory Aboriginal Education Coursework Toward Revised TQS Compliance and Implementation
Role: Collaborator (Principal Investigator: Rebecca Sockbeson)

SSHRC Insight Grant
Government of Canada
Amount: $147,217
Timeframe: 2018 – 2021
Title: Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization: A Purposeful Collaboration Between Indigenous Communities and Higher Education
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Rebecca Sockbeson, University of Alberta)

Canadian Association of University Continuing Education (CAUCE) Fund
CAUCE Secretariat
Amount: $3,500.00
Time Frame: 2019 - 2020
Title: Transformative Scenario Planning: Historical and Present Realities
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Fay Fletcher, University of Alberta)

Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
University of Alberta
Amount: $7,500.00
Time Frame: 2019-2021
Title: Transformative Scenario Planning: Historical and Present Realities
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Fay Fletcher, University of Alberta)

SSHRC Insight Grant
Government of Canada
Amount: $350,000
Timeframe: 2017 - 2021
Title: Practicing Reconciliation Through Teaching and Research on Haida Gwaii: A Collaborative Research Project
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Daniel McCarthy, University of Waterloo)

Indigenous Community Engagement, Research, and Learning
University of Alberta
Amount: $50,000
Timeframe: 2017 – 2019
Title: Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Rebecca Sockbeson, University of Alberta)

Previous Grants

Advanced Education and Technology
Government of Alberta
Amount: $75,000
Timeframe: 2012-2017
Title: Experiences with Aboriginal Teacher Education in Alberta
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Randolph Wimmer, University of Alberta)

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS)
Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Amount: $5,000
Timeframe: 2012-2014
Research: Aboriginal Teacher Education Program Graduate’s Experiences
Role: Principal Investigator

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR – IAPH)
Government of Canada
Amount: $970,000
Timeframe: 2010-2014
Research: Access to Health Research: Participation and Empowerment of Aboriginal Peoples in Research to Improve Health and Well-Being
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Cora Weber-Pillwax)

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR – IAPH)
Government of Canada
Amount: $25,000
Timeframe: 2012-2013
Research: Popular Theatre as a Strategy for Knowledge Mobilization for Aboriginal Peoples’ Perspectives on Access to Health
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Brenda Cameron)

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS)
Faculty of Education, University of Alberta

Amount: $6,000
Timeframe: 2010-2013
Project: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences with Aboriginal Teacher Education in Alberta
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Randolph Wimmer)

Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
University of Alberta
Amount: $15,000
Timeframe: 2011-2013
Project: High Risk Youth Uncensored: An Educational Exchange
Role: Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Diane Conrad)